VAT REFUND from European countries for Macedonian companies

Do you need a VAT REFUND from abroad?
Does your company performs international transport, use tolls and pay fuel?

EUROVAT PRO DOOEL successfully refunds VAT to all companies from North Macedonia that have the right to return their VAT from the respective countries in Europe where they use services.

Those companies that perform international transport of goods and passengers are entitled to VAT REFUND from all those countries with which N. Macedonia has a cooperation agreement:

Serbia Bulgaria Slovenia Netherlands Luxembourg United Kingdom Austria France Denmark Sweden Italy Poland Belgium Germany

 We prepare all of the necessary documents for VAT refund

We correct all of the incomplete documentation (incomplete or without invoices)

We apply for VAT REFUND on time

We have direct communication with the tax offices in each country


VAT REFUND from North Macedonia for companies based in other countries in Europe

EUROVAT PRO DOOEL successfully refunds VAT to all companies from Europe that have the right and need to return their VAT from North Macedonia.

We collect and prepare the necessary documentation for submission to the Public Revenue Office in North Macedonia

We communicate directly with the competent authorities in order to have successful refund

We are available for tax assistance and consulting in accordance with the job.


Do you need representative in front of the competent authorities?

EUROVAT PRO DOOEL represents the companies in N. Macedonia and other countries in Europe for obtaining a tax number for performing the appropriate activity.
A foreign company that carries out transactions subject to VAT in a country where it is not established may appoint a tax representative to carry out all the formalities for declaring on its behalf.


Do you have a transport company and your trucks spend a long time outside N.Macedonia, and you need a refund of the road tax?

Owners of motor and trailer vehicles used for international transport are entitled to a refund of the paid amount proportional to the period that the vehicle spent outside the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia.
EUROVAT PRO DOOEL assists in the preparation of documents, keeps accurate records of time spent outside N. Macedonia and applies for timely and successful return of funds.


Do you need tax advice for your business?

Our team is available for any tax advice related to your work.